Purchase Sand Striations, 2025

Sand Striations, 2025

This painting is an ode to the fractal patterns that form in sand striations on beaches, produced by the interplay of the tide and the shoreline. I generated the structure/pattern through a three stage process. First I flowed the upwards reaching red tree forms to create the sand striations. If you look at mountains you can see their ridges chart similar pathways. Then I let water flow down to fill the spaces delineated by the red branches -- this is where I departed slightly from the physics of the beach. Lastly I lathered purple brushstrokes nestled into the spaces between blue branches. The locations of the purple brushstrokes are thereby determined by a multi-layer fractal process.

Artist: Sebastian

Dimensions: 18 in. by 24 in.

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Price: $1500

Sand Striations, 2025